How do I search for Articles on Google Scholar?

Open up the web browser of your choice (for this example, I am using google).

Type in: 

Enter your key terms in the search field, use the Boolean Operator "AND" to connect two or more terms: 


Click the blue magnifying glass to the right of the search box to review your results.  You can use the hamburger list to the right of Google Scholar to choose advanced settings. Special Note: Our library holdings appears within Google Scholar while on campus, so you will notice if our library has full-text access it will tell you to the far right by saying "ABC Full Text"

Advanced Settings allows you to be more specific by adding more keywords or excluding certain keywords in addition to specifying a specific date range and more!  


IMPORTANT: You want to choose articles that are considered peer-reviewed (vetted through an academic body of experts) or scholarly (articles written by someone in the field that is considered an expert). You should always research the author to see what they have published to get an idea whether the articles you are using are credible. 


  • Last Updated Dec 20, 2023
  • Views 45
  • Answered By Angel Pridgen, MLS, M.Ed., Ed.D

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